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Ely's Echo Episode 4: What Does Luck Have to Do With It?
Acknowledge your experience and expertise when making decisions that are logical. Don't let others chalk up your successes to luck! Perspicacity is a skill everyone has and can acquire through their persistence to be...
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Ely's Echo Episode 3: Imposter syndrome and the many faces we wear
Learn what imposter syndrome is and how it can affect you. Conquer it with three tips!
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Ely's Echo Episode 2: You Will Have a FIT!
We all experience Fear In Transitions, or FITs, at some point in our lives. The key is to exercise control as you decide to run toward something or are running away from something.
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Ely's Echo Episode 0: What is Ely's Echo and why should I care?
In this episode, I hope to provide some insight into who I am as your host. I hope that you walk away inspired to hear more and confident that I have something to offer you.
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Ely's Echo Episode 1: Origin Story
In this episode, I introduce my origin story. The topics are sensitive in nature but are real life examples from my life. Regardless of your origin story, there is redemption for everyone.
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